Fostering Perspectives is a publication created for foster and adoptive parents in North Carolina. It is sponsored by the NC Division of Social Services and the Family and Children’s Resource Center at UNC Chapel Hill and issued twice a year. Each issue covers a particular topic related to the child welfare system. While Fostering Perspectives main audience is foster and adoptive parents, in reality it is a wonderful resource for all professionals and parents. You can view all of the issues and subscribe at

One particular issue, focused on promoting the resilience of young people in foster care, serves as an opportunity to consider resilience for all children and youth, regardless of their living situation. Angenette Stephenson wrote a particularly interesting article for this issue entitled How to Raise Resilient Compassionate Children. In this piece, Angenette focuses on the work of Brene Brown to answer the question, “how can I help my child become his best possible self?” To read the article in its entirety, click here.

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Teaming With Teens Series

Teaming With Teens Series

Supporting Caregivers of Teens: Currently or Previously Engaged with NC's Child Welfare System Foster Family Alliance, NC's foster, adoptive, and kinship caregiver association is offering an upcoming virtual session for caregivers of teens (foster, adoptive, and...

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