May is National Foster Care Month

May is National Foster Care Month, a time to encourage families and children involved in the foster care system, recruit new foster parents, and support those foster, adoptive, and kinship parents already caring for children. Click here to learn more about National Foster Care Month 2019.

Supporting Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Caregivers in North Carolina

North Carolina has two unique mechanisms for supporting foster, adoptive, and kinship families involved in the child welfare system.

Fostering Perspectives

The first is a publication called Fostering Perspectives. Twice a year, in November and May, a new issue of Fostering Perspectives is released to the foster care community. Each issue is centered around a theme with relevant articles written by professionals, foster parents, stakeholders, and youth who are or were in foster care.  The May 2019 issue focuses on Managing Foster Care’s Many Changes. Experts in the field discuss making initial placements easier, preparing youth for independence, reflections on transitions from foster care alumni, foster parents managing their grief when a placement ends, NC’s new KinGAP program, and so many other important topics. Read the new issue of Fostering Perspectives by clicking here.

The second unique resource North Carolina offers to foster, adoptive, and kinship families is is a learning site for foster, adoptive, and kinship families. The site features free on demand courses, webinars, videos, resources, and FAQ’s. New resources are added to the site regularly and may be an option for licensed families to use towards their ongoing education requirements.

Being a foster, adoptive, or kinship caregiver requires significant commitment, openness, and a willingness to learn and grow as a parent. Having supportive resources that can educate, empower, and even normalize the experiences of parents is a critical component for long term success.

During National Foster Care Month and every other month of the year, we say THANK YOU to the kinship, foster, and adoptive families who continue to support, love, and care for children and families.

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Teaming With Teens Series

Teaming With Teens Series

Supporting Caregivers of Teens: Currently or Previously Engaged with NC's Child Welfare System Foster Family Alliance, NC's foster, adoptive, and kinship caregiver association is offering an upcoming virtual session for caregivers of teens (foster, adoptive, and...

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