Activities for Foster, Adoptive, Kinship, and Biological Families During Covid-19
During this unprecedented time of social distancing and quarantine due to Covid-19, we have the amazing ability to use technology to connect, learn, and be entertained. Many families are also seeking opportunities to engage their children in new online activities and...
How Stephenson & Fleming, LLP is responding to the Covid-19 Pandemic and NC’s Stay at Home Order
At Stephenson & Fleming, LLP we are working hard to maintain the health and wellness of our employees and clients while also continuing to meet their legal needs during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The State of North Carolina is under a "Stay at Home Order" signed by...
Angie Stephenson’s Work with the Dilley Pro-Bono Project Featured by the UNC School of Social Work
Angie Stephenson spent one week in Dilley, Texas, in November as a volunteer with the Dilley Pro Bono Project. The project provides legal representation to mothers and children seeking asylum from extreme violence in Central America and other locations. The UNC School...
Kinship Caregivers Play a Vital Role in North Carolina: The Latest Issue of Fostering Perspectives
When a child or youth enters foster care, family members and “like-family” friends are often the first ones child welfare agencies approach to care for children until they can safely return home to their biological family. Becoming a kinship caregiver is both a...
Release of New and Revised Juvenile Forms by the Administrative Office of the Courts
On October 1, 2019, the NC Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) released one new juvenile form and revised several existing juvenile forms. See the links to these forms below with a brief summary from AOC describing the specific revision. We have also linked a...
Jamie Bazemore, Adoption Facilitator, Participates on Panel at the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Building Understanding and Coalitions Conference
Stephenson & Fleming, LLP was represented at the North Carolina Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) Building Understanding and Coalitions conference in Raleigh, North Carolina on September 27, 2019. Both Deana Fleming, JD and Jamie Bazemore, Adoption...